Monday 19 April 2010

Listening to Mary

The ramblings of an old women
Listening to Mary

I have to keep asking people what the day is and the date.
I cannot remember they must think I am mad!!
85 years old, you do not get to that age without talking to yourself
because you have no one else to talk to.........
I must stop talking to myself, but you have to talk to some-one?
I am reasoning with myself not talking to myself...........

She spoke, I listened and drew.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love this one, unique layout. Welcome and keep posting!

  3. Very nice drawing and don't think it's your age. I can't remember the date 1 minute after I look at it. It just isn't really all that important as it was when I had to be to work or get the kids to school. Now I only really have to pay attention to it for special occasions and I manage that just fine (well mostly fine, lol) and I am only 56 - which is another thing I can't keep track of.

  4. this is my favorite page with the hand flower and writing---one of the coolest things I've seen --it speaks to the alone me ....74 and feeling 44...most of the time
